The hardest stage in the life of a child is
preteen. This is where' the mental powers
of the child are developing, and
distinguishing right from wrong is very
difficult. Therefore, parents are advised to
work hard so much so that they prepare
the future of their children.
With this in mind, Obuasionline is set to dish
out other important tips in this article.
Parents, please consider this article, as well
as the previous one, carefully.
Teach them morals
It is extremely important for children to be
taught morals. Teaching them morals is
more important than teaching them how
to be successful in life because the truth of
the matter is that, you can’t really attain
true success without good morals.
Stay away from being judgmental
It is very easy for our parents to be
judgmental about us. But they have come
to realize that when they do this, we tend
to stay away from them. Parents, please do
not be quick to judge and criticize your
Don’t avoid difficult discussions
In Africa, parents don’t really fancy
talking to their children about destructive
behaviours like drugs, alcohol, and sex.
They would rather their children learned
these things from school. But the truth of
the matter is that school will only play a
small percent of role; parents have the
weightiest responsibility to do this better.
Do not overreact because of their
True, kids will surely behave like kids. Their
behaviour most times is nothing to write
home about. They will surely act in a way
that we make you get them told off. But,
parents please don’t always overreact
over their behaviour. Let them understand
that they are not just your kids; let them
understand that they are your best