Hello Truth Seekers,God gave me so many good doctrine in 2015....Big thanks to Micheal the chief over seer of all Angels...He actually was the one who delivered all these messages to me...I appreciate all your efforts...May you always be my guardian Angel.....
He said in 21st November ,2022 ...
Great son, Mighty son,Living son,Ablazing son.....
I asked him why all these supreme attributes and he said;
You are great because you are God earth(in you,God will establish HIS long awaiting kingdom).
You are mighty because you passed through all the seven churches perfectly.
You are living son because the air of life(soul) within your temple(body) would never vanished from all the ends of the world.
You are Ablazing because your name had been written in the book of life...
For 2022 marks the seventh year of your covenant with Yhwh...And according to The Most High Yhwh the figure seven means completion,figure seven means blessings so this year's last days,you have been selected to be graced with the most valuable gift from God.....THE GIFT OF TRUTH...