NANA KYEI PANIN (1755-1763)
The Agogo Stool is referred to as the Ofori Krobon and Kyei Stool. The Kyei here refers to the exploits and good works of Nana Kyei Panin who was the 6th chief to occupy the Agogo stool. For the next 8 years, Nana Kyei Succeeded into transforming a warring and bickering state into a successful and a peaceful society worthy of emulation. He succeeded his Uncle Nana Okumanini (Slaughterer of Men) Awere during the reign of Asantehene Nana Kusi Obodum. He was a wise and a powerful ruler and as such was sent on several diplomatic missions on behalf of the Golden Stool by the Asantehene.
On the home front, Nana Kyei Panin utilized the experiences from his missions to making sure that there was lasting peace and prosperity among his people for long as he ruled.
1. As an Apostle of peace, He realized that though the Aduana were the Royal Ruling Clan, the land was already occupied by the Asona when the Aduana got here and as such there were bound to be confrontations and agitations in the near future. He killed this notion by encouraging inter-marriages between these two clans and also created the Akyeamehene stool for the Asona clan. Subsequent Chiefs have also created several stools for the Asona clan, making them feel integral in the decision making process in Agogo. This was a strategy that has worked till date for the Asona still occupy the Akyeamehene stool in Agogo and have never been able to mount a challenge for the Royal stool.
2. He realized that most States are mostly thorn apart by disputes related to succession lines especially when there more Gates and Royal Houses, who can equally present candidates to be enstooled. Many civil and state wars had started and ended with succession disputes in Asante, a situation Nana wanted to avoid for Agogo. Thus for the 3 Royal Families of Aduana that could lay claim to the Stool, The Etia, The Kronkromasi and the Kurotia, He created specific stools for each one so they do not feel left out.
I. For the Etia, He created the Abakoma stool for Nana Yaawa. It must be noted that the Etia are now the sole ruling house of Agogo (I Stand to be Corrected) though the Kurotia(fact) and perhaps Krokomase have all had kins on the Ofori Krobon at certain periods in our history.
II. For the Kronkomase Royal House, He created the Adonten stool for Nana Effa Kwatia. It must be noted that the Kronkomase now occupy the Krontire Stool in Agogo. The Adonten stool now belongs to the Asenie clan in Agogo.
III. For the Kurotia Royal House, Nana created the Kyidom Stool for Nana Tutu. The Kurotia still have and continue to occupy the Kyidom Stool in Agogo.
These very reforms put to rest almost all agitations and petty squabbles that had previously risen when there was time for enstoolment of a new chief, for all the royal houses were appeased and had representation in the council of elders at the chiefs palace. The Asona and their loyalty to the Royal stool were also guaranteed through the marriages and the stool created for them. A new era of peace and inclusiveness was ushered in Agogo during these periods.
Nana Kyei Panin Died on a mission serving the Golden stool. His death and the gravity of his loss made Agogo institute the oath "Me Ka Kyei Praso" "I swear by what Happened to Kyei at" Praso. One can only invoke such an oath under strenuous circumstances and would have answer before the elders of the land whenever such an oath is invoked. He was Succeeded by Nana Ntiri Twum in the year 1764.